bring me to Jannah !
sweet owner

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nadia, for short. twenty. kelantanese. muslimah. hijabis. baldis. when silence speaks. wo xihuan ni :)


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sweet moment :)



hai hey :) lame la ta tulis blog. tetibe rase rindu na conteng2 blog. almaklum la kan, final is coming soon. owsemm :)i hope final is better than midterm even i know questions must be very quite difficult :) arini nadia rase seronok sgt :) sweet moment with iman, wan, scha, jannati, kelly, ayed, weeda, tiqah, eyka (pngtin muda). rindu sgt kat dorang. last2 dpt jumpe dorang alhamdulillah :) lagi2 imannn, rindunye <3. hope kite dpt jumpe lgi nnt. td kan nadia pergi weeding ex classmate, eyka. wah, matured sgt eyka td, rase cam bukan eyka da heee :) comel je dy,baju merah lak tu :) awalnye kawen eyka, ta sempat na ajak raikan hdup bujang hee :) takpe la da jdoh kan, bnde baik :)

cpatnye rase, esok da na balik uia.ummm salooo je rase cmni kalau ahad haha. nmpak kan kemalasan melanda. hope prjalann sok selamat Amin :)and hope sempat g ruma amy :) ad makan2 gituh, meme bes la klau bab makan kan. haha :)oke la da nantok la, juz na share siket je sal arini :) nyte 

enjoy reading ^_^
Assalamualaikum :)